

The CorpusMask is saved as corpus in the Couch repository, it is the publicly visible version of a corpus. By default it just says "This corpus is private," when users decide to make some aspects of their corpsu public they can customize the fields in their "corpus" object to display only certain sorts of data, even though the corpus is publicly discoverable.


new CorpusMask()

  • Tutorial: tests/CorpusMaskTest.js
Name Type Description
title String This is the title of the corpus, as set by the corpus team. It can contain any UTF-8 character.
titleAsUrl String This is what appears in the url on the main website. It is based on the title of the corpus and can be changed and looks nicer than the dbname which cannot be changed. eg
description String This is a short description that appears on the corpus details page
termsOfUse Object Terms of use set by the corpus team, includes a field for humanReadable terms which are displayed on the corpus and included in corpus exports.
license Object License set by the corpus team, includes a field for humanReadable terms which are displayed on the corpus and included in corpus exports, as well as a link to the license, imageUrl for the image/logo of the license for easy recognition and title of the license.
copyright Object Who owns the copyright to the corpus, by default it is set to the corpus team"s name but teams can customize it for example to make the corpus copyright of the language community or speakers who contributed to the corpus.
location Object GPS location of the corpus (longitude, latitude and accuracy) The corpus can be plotted on a map using the accuracy as a radius of roughly where the data is from.
remote String The url of the remote eg:
connection Array The url of remote server(s) where the corpus is replicated or backed up as well as other connection it is connected to.
members Array Collection of public browsable/search engine discoverable members associated to the corpus
datumstates Array Collection of datum states for which data are will be public browsable/search engine discoverable in the corpus. This can be used to only show polished data or "checked" data on the public page for example.
datumfields Array Collection of datum fields which will be public browsable/search engine discoverable on public datum in the corpus
sessions Array Collection of public browsable/search engine discoverable sessions that belong to the corpus
datalists Array Collection of public browsable/search engine discoverable data lists created under the corpus




Inherited From:
Synchronize to server and from database.


Inherited From:
Pull down corpus to offline pouch, if its there.

team :Object

TODO decide if we want to fetch these from the server, and keep a fossil in the object?
  • Object