var Confidential = require("./../confidentiality_encryption/Confidential").Confidential;
var Activities = require("./../activity/Activities").Activities;
var Database = require("./Database").Database;
var Connection = require("./Connection").Connection;
var DatumFields = require("./../datum/DatumFields").DatumFields;
var DatumStates = require("./../datum/DatumStates").DatumStates;
var DatumTags = require("./../datum/DatumTags").DatumTags;
var Comments = require("./../comment/Comments").Comments;
var FieldDBObject = require("./../FieldDBObject").FieldDBObject;
var Sessions = require("./../datum/DocumentCollection").DocumentCollection;
var DataLists = require("./../datum/DocumentCollection").DocumentCollection;
var TeamPreference = require("./../user/UserPreference").UserPreference;
var Team = require("./../user/Team").Team;
var Permissions = require("./../permission/Permissions").Permissions;
var Q = require("q");
var DEFAULT_CORPUS_MODEL = require("./corpus_mask.json");
* @class The CorpusMask is saved as corpus in the Couch repository,
* it is the publicly visible version of a corpus. By default it just says "This
* corpus is private," when users decide to make some aspects of their corpsu
* public they can customize the fields in their "corpus" object to display
* only certain sorts of data, even though the corpus is publicly discoverable.
* @property {String} title This is the title of the corpus, as set by the corpus
* team. It can contain any UTF-8 character.
* @property {String} titleAsUrl This is what appears in the url on the main website.
* It is based on the title of the corpus and can be changed and looks
* nicer than the dbname which cannot be changed. eg
* @property {String} description This is a short description that
* appears on the corpus details page
* @property {Object} termsOfUse Terms of use set by the corpus team, includes
* a field for humanReadable terms which are displayed on the corpus
* and included in corpus exports.
* @property {Object} license License set by the corpus team, includes a field
* for humanReadable terms which are displayed on the corpus and
* included in corpus exports, as well as a link to the license, imageUrl
* for the image/logo of the license for easy recognition and
* title of the license.
* @property {Object} copyright Who owns the copyright to the corpus,
* by default it is set to the corpus team"s name but teams can customize
* it for example to make the corpus copyright of the language community
* or speakers who contributed to the corpus.
* @property {Object} location GPS location of the corpus (longitude, latitude and accuracy)
* The corpus can be plotted on a map using the accuracy as a radius
* of roughly where the data is from.
* @property {String} remote The url of the remote eg:
* @property {Array} connection The url of remote server(s) where the
* corpus is replicated or backed up as well as other connection it is connected to.
* @property {Array} members Collection of public browsable/search engine
* discoverable members associated to the corpus
* @property {Array} datumstates Collection of datum states for which data are
* will be public browsable/search engine discoverable in the corpus. This
* can be used to only show polished data or "checked" data on the public
* page for example.
* @property {Array} datumfields Collection of datum fields which will be
* public browsable/search engine discoverable on public datum in the corpus
* @property {Array} sessions Collection of public browsable/search engine
* discoverable sessions that belong to the corpus
* @property {Array} datalists Collection of public browsable/search engine
* discoverable data lists created under the corpus
* @extends Database
* @tutorial tests/CorpusMaskTest.js
var CorpusMask = function CorpusMask(options) {
if (!this._fieldDBtype) {
this._fieldDBtype = "CorpusMask";
Database.apply(this, arguments);
CorpusMask.prototype = Object.create(Database.prototype, /** @lends CorpusMask.prototype */ {
constructor: {
value: CorpusMask
id: {
get: function() {
this._id = "corpus";
return this._id;
set: function(value) {
if (value === this._id) {
this.warn("CorpusMask id cannot be set, it is \"corpus\" by default." + value);
value = "corpus";
this._id = value;
api: {
value: "corpora"
defaults: {
get: function() {
var filteredCorpus = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_CORPUS_MODEL));
return filteredCorpus;
value: {
_id: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
_rev: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
dbname: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
version: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
dateCreated: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_DATE,
dateModified: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_DATE,
comments: Comments,
sessions: Sessions,
datalists: DataLists,
title: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
titleAsUrl: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
description: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
termsOfUse: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_OBJECT,
license: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_OBJECT,
copyright: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
connection: Connection,
activityConnection: Activities,
publicCorpus: FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING,
confidential: Confidential,
validationStati: DatumStates,
tags: DatumTags,
fields: DatumFields,
datumFields: DatumFields,
speakerFields: DatumFields,
participantFields: DatumFields,
conversationFields: DatumFields,
sessionFields: DatumFields,
prefs: TeamPreference,
team: Team,
permissions: Permissions
titleAsUrl: {
get: function() {
if (!this._titleAsUrl && this.title) {
this._titleAsUrl = this.sanitizeStringForFileSystem(this._title, "_").toLowerCase();
return this._titleAsUrl;
set: function(value) {
if (value === this._titleAsUrl) {
// If an app is explicity trying to overwrite a titleAsUrl, complain.
if (this._titleAsUrl) {
this.warn("titleAsUrl cannot be set directly, setting the title will cause it to be set.");
title: {
get: function() {
return this._title || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("title", value);
if (this._title) {
this._titleAsUrl = this.sanitizeStringForFileSystem(this._title, "_").toLowerCase();
description: {
get: function() {
return this._description || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("description", value);
* TODO decide if we want to fetch these from the server, and keep a fossil in the object?
* @type {Object}
team: {
get: function() {
if (!this._team) { = {
gravatar: "",
username: "",
_id: "team"
if (this.dbname) {
this._team.gravatar = this._team.gravatar || this.gravatar || this._team.buildGravatar(this.dbname);
this._team.username = this._team.username || this.dbname.split("-")[0];
if ( && this.rev) {
return this._team;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("team", value);
activityConnection: {
get: function() {
this.debug("getting activityConnection");
if (!this._activityConnection && this.rev && this._connection) {
this.warn("This corpus is missing its activity connection for some reason.");
var copy = this._connection.toJSON();
copy.dbname = copy.dbname + "-activity_feed";
this.activityConnection = copy;
if (this._activityConnection && this._activityConnection.parent !== this) {
this._activityConnection.parent = this;
return this._activityConnection;
set: function(value) {
if (value) {
value.parent = this;
if (!value.confidential && this.confidential) {
value.confidential = this.confidential;
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("activityConnection", value);
replicatedCorpusUrls: {
get: function() {
if (this._connection && this._connection.replicatedCorpusUrls) {
return this._connection.replicatedCorpusUrls;
set: function(value) {
if (this._connection) {
this._connection.replicatedCorpusUrls = value;
olacExportConnections: {
get: function() {
if (this._connection && this._connection.olacExportConnections) {
return this._connection.olacExportConnections;
set: function(value) {
if (this._connection) {
this._connection.olacExportConnections = value;
termsOfUse: {
get: function() {
return this._termsOfUse || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_OBJECT;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("termsOfUse", value);
license: {
get: function() {
return this._license || {};
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("license", value);
copyright: {
get: function() {
return this._copyright || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("copyright", value);
startYear: {
get: function() {
if (this.parent && this.parent.dateCreated && this.parent._rev && this.parent._fieldDBtype === "Corpus") {
this.dateCreated = this.parent.dateCreated;
if (this.dateCreated) {
var year = new Date(this.dateCreated).getFullYear();
if (year < new Date().getFullYear()) {
this._startYear = " " + year + " - ";
return this._startYear;
set: function(value) {
if (value === this._startYear) {
if (!value) {
// delete this._startYear;
this._startYear = value;
// unserializedSessions: {
// value: null
// },
sessions: {
get: function() {
return this.unserializedSessions || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_COLLECTION;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("sessions", value, "unserializedSessions");
// unserializedDatalists: {
// value: null
// },
datalists: {
get: function() {
return this.unserializedDatalists || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_COLLECTION;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("datalists", value, "unserializedDatalists");
permissions: {
get: function() {
if (!this._permissions) {
this.permissions = {
dbname: this.dbname,
parent: this
return this._permissions || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_COLLECTION;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("permissions", value);
loadPermissions: {
value: function(dataToPost) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this;
Q.nextTick(function() {
if (!self.permissions || !(self.permissions instanceof Permissions)) {
self.permissions = new Permissions(self.permissions);
if (!self.permissions.dbname) {
self.permissions.dbname = self.dbname;
self.permissions.parent = self;
.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject)
.fail(function(error) {
console.error(error.stack, self);
return deferred.promise;
datumFields: {
get: function() {
this.debug("getting datumFields");
return this._datumFields;
set: function(value) {
if (value && !value.confidential && this.confidential) {
value.confidential = this.confidential;
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("datumFields", value);
sessionFields: {
get: function() {
this.debug("getting sessionFields");
return this._sessionFields;
set: function(value) {
if (value && !value.confidential && this.confidential) {
value.confidential = this.confidential;
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("sessionFields", value);
speakerFields: {
get: function() {
this.debug("getting speakerFields");
return this._speakerFields;
set: function(value) {
if (value && !value.confidential && this.confidential) {
value.confidential = this.confidential;
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("speakerFields", value);
participantFields: {
get: function() {
this.debug("getting participantFields");
return this._participantFields;
set: function(value) {
if (value && !value.confidential && this.confidential) {
value.confidential = this.confidential;
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("participantFields", value);
conversationFields: {
get: function() {
this.debug("getting conversationFields");
return this._conversationFields;
set: function(value) {
if (value && !value.confidential && this.confidential) {
value.confidential = this.confidential;
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("conversationFields", value);
fields: {
get: function() {
this.debug("getting fields");
return this._fields;
set: function(value) {
if (value && !value.confidential && this.confidential) {
value.confidential = this.confidential;
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("fields", value);
prefs: {
get: function() {
if (!this._prefs && this.INTERNAL_MODELS && this.INTERNAL_MODELS.prefs && this.INTERNAL_MODELS.prefs.prototype && this.INTERNAL_MODELS.prefs.prototype.defaults) {
this.prefs = this.INTERNAL_MODELS.prefs.prototype.defaults;
return this._prefs;
set: function(value) {
this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("prefs", value);
preferredDatumTemplate: {
get: function() {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredDatumTemplate) {
var upgradeSucess = this.upgradeCorpusFieldsToMatchDatumTemplate(this.prefs.preferredDatumTemplate);
if (!upgradeSucess) {
return this.prefs.preferredDatumTemplate;
} else {
this.warn("preferredDatumTemplate is no longer needed");
set: function(value) {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredDatumTemplate && value === this.prefs.preferredDatumTemplate) {
if (!value || value === "default") {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredDatumTemplate) {
delete this.prefs.preferredDatumTemplate;
this.prefs = this.prefs || {};
var upgradeSucess = this.upgradeCorpusFieldsToMatchDatumTemplate(value.trim());
if (!upgradeSucess) {
this.prefs.preferredDatumTemplate = value.trim();
} else {
this.warn("preferredDatumTemplate is no longer needed");
upgradeCorpusFieldsToMatchDatumTemplate: {
value: function(value) {
if (this.preferredDatumTemplateAtVersion) {
return true;
if (!this.datumFields.reorder) {
this.warn("could not upgrade corpus fields order to match data entry template for the spreadsheet app ");
return false;
this.preferredDatumTemplateAtVersion = this.version;
this.preferredDatumTemplate = null;
this.prefs = this.prefs || {};
this.prefs.debug(" this.prefs.preferredSpreadsheetShape.rows ", this.prefs.preferredSpreadsheetShape.rows);
var order = ["judgement", "utterance", "morphemes", "gloss", "translation", "context", "documentation"];
if (value === "compacttemplate") {
order = ["judgement", "utterance", "morphemes", "gloss", "translation"];
} else if (value === "fulltemplate") {
order = ["judgement", "utterance", "morphemes", "gloss", "translation", "context", "documentation"];
} else if (value === "mcgillfieldmethodsspring2014template") {
order = ["judgement", "utterance", "morphemes", "gloss", "translation", "validationStatus", "tags"];
} else if (value === "mcgillfieldmethodsfall2014template") {
order = ["judgement", "utterance", "morphemes", "gloss", "translation", "phonetic", "notes"];
} else if (value === "yalefieldmethodsspring2014template") {
order = ["judgement", "orthography", "utterance", "morphemes", "gloss", "translation", "spanish", "Housekeeping", "tags"];
this.prefs.debug("setting to yalefieldmethodsspring2014template");
this.prefs.preferredSpreadsheetShape = this.prefs.preferredSpreadsheetShape;
this.prefs.preferredSpreadsheetShape.rows = 4;
var fieldTemplate = {
"label": "",
"shouldBeEncrypted": false,
"showToUserTypes": "all",
"defaultfield": false,
"value": "",
"mask": "",
"json": {},
"help": "You can add help/conventions here which explain what this data entry field is for your teammates."
for (var expectedPosition = 0; expectedPosition < order.length; expectedPosition++) {
var currentPosition = this.datumFields.indexOf(order[expectedPosition]);
if (currentPosition === -1) {
var newField = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(fieldTemplate));
// = order[expectedPosition];
newField.label = order[expectedPosition];
currentPosition = this.datumFields.length - 1;
if (currentPosition === expectedPosition) {
this.debug(order[expectedPosition] + " Field was in the correct order. ");
} else {
this.debug(currentPosition + " moving to" + expectedPosition);
this.datumFields.reorder(currentPosition, expectedPosition);
var resultingOrder = {
this.warn("reordered fields to " + resultingOrder);
return true;
preferredLocale: {
get: function() {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredLocale) {
return this.prefs.preferredLocale;
set: function(value) {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredLocale && value === this.prefs.preferredLocale) {
if (!value || value === "default") {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredLocale) {
delete this.prefs.preferredLocale;
this.prefs = this.prefs || {};
this.prefs.preferredLocale = value.trim();
preferredDashboardLayout: {
get: function() {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredDashboardLayout) {
return this.prefs.preferredDashboardLayout;
set: function(value) {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredDashboardLayout && value === this.prefs.preferredDashboardLayout) {
if (!value || value === "default") {
if (this.prefs && this.prefs.preferredDashboardLayout) {
delete this.prefs.preferredDashboardLayout;
this.prefs = this.prefs || {};
this.prefs.preferredDashboardLayout = value.trim();
preferredTemplate: {
get: function() {
this.warn("preferredTemplate is deprecated, use preferredDatumTemplate instead.");
return this.preferredDatumTemplate;
set: function(value) {
this.warn("preferredTemplate is deprecated, please use preferredDatumTemplate instead.");
this.preferredDatumTemplate = value;
exports.CorpusMask = CorpusMask;