
"use strict";
/* globals localStorage */
var Q = require("q");
var FieldDBObject = require("../FieldDBObject").FieldDBObject;
var mapReduceFactory = require("./../map_reduce/MapReduce").MapReduceFactory;
var Lexicon = require("../lexicon/Lexicon").Lexicon;

// Load n grams map reduce which is used in both couchdb and in the codebase
var morphemeNGramsMapString = require("../../map_reduce_data/views/morpheme_n_grams/map").morpheme_n_grams;
var MORPHEMES_N_GRAMS_MAP_REDUCE = mapReduceFactory({
  filename: "morpheme_n_grams",
  mapString: morphemeNGramsMapString

 * @class The Glosser is able to guess morpheme segmentation and/or glosses from an orthography/transcription.
 * The default Glosser (this one) uses a lexicon which is generated off of existing data in the corpus to do this.
 * The Glosser can display a visual representation of itself if D3 is provided to it as options
 * or D3 is loaded in the context of the app.
 * @name  Glosser
 * @extends FieldDBObject
 * @constructs
var Glosser = function Glosser(options) {
  if (!this._fieldDBtype) {
    this._fieldDBtype = "Glosser";
  options = options || {};

  this.debug("Constructing Glosser length: ", options);
  FieldDBObject.apply(this, arguments);

Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX = /[-=]/g;
Glosser.Lexicon = Lexicon;

 * [morpheme_n_grams_mapReduce description]
 * @type {Function}
Glosser.morpheme_n_grams_mapReduce = MORPHEMES_N_GRAMS_MAP_REDUCE;

 * Finds all combinations of an utterance line by looping through all
 * possible parses of all words in the utterance line.
 * This results in a list of alternateMorphemeLines which can be shown to the user
 * as a type-ahead on the utterance line.
 * These alternateMorphemeLines can be further filtered using other information
 * (likelyhood of long distance relationships between morphemes,
 * likelyhood of long distance relationships between glosses).
 * @param  {Object} options An object containing metadata,
 *                           options.columns is used to generate the combinations
 *                           options.sort is optionally used to sort the resulting combinations
 * @return {Object}         [description]
Glosser.calculateAllAlternativeCombinations = function(options) {
  var debug = function() {
    // console.log(arguments);
  options.alternateMorphemeLines = options.alternateMorphemeLines || [];
  debug("Beginning with a set of alternatives " + options.alternateMorphemeLines);
  if (options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord) {
    options.columns = [];
    for (var word in options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord) {
      if (options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord.hasOwnProperty(word) && options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord[word].fullParses) {
  options.columns = options.columns || [];
  var utteranceWordCount = options.columns.length - 1;
  debug("Finding all alternative parses for ", options.columns);

  var recurse = function(parseInProgress, currentColumnIndex) {
    if (!options.columns[currentColumnIndex]) {

    var numberOfParsesForThisWord = options.columns[currentColumnIndex].length;
    debug(" There are " + numberOfParsesForThisWord + " alternative parses for word " + (currentColumnIndex + 1));

    for (var possibleParseIndex = 0; possibleParseIndex < numberOfParsesForThisWord; possibleParseIndex++) {
      var copyOfParseInProgress = parseInProgress.slice(0); // clone column
      var possibleParseOfThisWord = options.columns[currentColumnIndex][possibleParseIndex];
      if (currentColumnIndex === utteranceWordCount) {
        // We have a full parse of all words
        debug("  found a complete alternate", copyOfParseInProgress);
        options.alternateMorphemeLines.push(copyOfParseInProgress.join(" "));
      } else {

        debug("\n" + copyOfParseInProgress + ":  set");
        recurse(copyOfParseInProgress, currentColumnIndex + 1);
  recurse([], 0);

  if (typeof options.sort === "function") {
    options.alternateMorphemeLines = options.alternateMorphemeLines.sort(options.sort);

  return options;

 * If passed to a results in a sort order where more
 * segmentations are listed first (on top in a typeahead).
 * This is only useful if the user doesn't realize that the app can segment
 * the utterance line, and/or if the glosser's segmentations are conservative
 * and only offer real segmentations.
 * @param  {String} a A string (normallly a morphemes line)
 * @param  {String} b A string (normallly a morphemes line)
 * @return {boolean}   If a has more segmentations than b
Glosser.sortAlternatesByMoreSegmentation = function(a, b) {
  var segmentationsA = 0;
  if (a && typeof a.split === "function") {
    segmentationsA = a.split(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX).length;
  var segmentationsB = 0;
  if (b && typeof b.split === "function") {
    segmentationsB = b.split(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX).length;
  return segmentationsB - segmentationsA;

 * If passed to a results in a sort order where fewer segmentations
 * are listed first (on top in a typeahead).
 * This is useful if the user prefers to see segmentations, but will most often
 * choose the utteracne line as the morphemes line and then add the segmentations
 * themself.
 * @param  {String} a A string (normallly a morphemes line)
 * @param  {String} b A string (normallly a morphemes line)
 * @return {boolean}   If a has more segmentations than b
Glosser.sortAlternatesByLessSegmentation = function(a, b) {
  var segmentationsA = 0;
  if (a && typeof a.split === "function") {
    segmentationsA = a.split(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX).length;
  var segmentationsB = 0;
  if (b && typeof b.split === "function") {
    segmentationsB = b.split(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX).length;
  return segmentationsA - segmentationsB;

 * Removes redundant copies from an array
 * @param  {Array} input An array to be cleaned
 * @return {Array}       The same array after removing redundant copies
Glosser.removeRedundantCopies = function(input) {
  var hash = {};
  // var copy = [];

  for (var i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    if (!hash.hasOwnProperty(input[i])) {
      hash[input[i]] = true;
      // copy.unshift(input[i]);
    } else {
      input.splice(i, 1);

  return input;

Glosser.removeWordBoundaryPlaceholders = function(input) {
  return input.replace(/-?@-?/g, " ").trim();

Glosser.prototype = Object.create(FieldDBObject.prototype, /** @lends Glosser.prototype */ {
  constructor: {
    value: Glosser

  // Internal models: used by the parse function
    value: {
      lexicon: Lexicon,

  dbname: {
    get: function() {
      if (this._dbname) {
        return this._dbname;
      if (this.corpus && this.corpus.dbname) {
        return this.corpus.dbname;
    set: function(value) {
      this._dbname = value;

  lexicon: {
    get: function() {
      this.debug("getting lexicon");
      return this._lexicon;
    set: function(value) {
      this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("lexicon", value);

  downloadPrecedenceRules: {
    value: function(glosserURL) {
      this.warn("DEPRECATED downloadPrecedenceRules use fetch instead");
      return this.fetch({
        url: glosserURL

  fetch: {
    value: function(options) {
      if (this.fetching && this.whenFetched) {
        return this.whenFetched;
      var self = this;
      var deferred = Q.defer();
      this.whenFetched = deferred.promise;

      options = options || {};
      var glosserURL = "";
      if (options && options.url) {
        glosserURL = options.url;
      if (!glosserURL || glosserURL === "default") {
        var error;
        if (!this.dbname && !options.dbname) {
          error = {
            userFriendlyErrors: ["Glosser's webservice can't be guessed, there is no current database identifier so the URL must be defined."]
        if (!this.corpus) {
          error = {
            userFriendlyErrors: ["Glosser's webservice can't be guessed, there is no corpus loaded so the URL must be defined."]
        if (error) {
          return this.whenFetched;
        if (this.corpus.prefs && this.corpus.prefs.glosserURL) {
          glosserURL = this.corpus.prefs.glosserURL;
        } else {
          glosserURL = this.corpus.url + "/_design/data/_view/" + MORPHEMES_N_GRAMS_MAP_REDUCE.filename + "?group=true";

      this.fetching = true;
          type: "GET",
          url: glosserURL
        .then(function(reducedCouchDBresult) {
          if (!reducedCouchDBresult || !reducedCouchDBresult.rows || reducedCouchDBresult.rows.length === undefined) {
            self.fetching = false;
              details: reducedCouchDBresult,
              userFriendlyErrors: ["The result from the server " + glosserURL + " was not a standard response. Please report this."]

          // Reduce the reducedCouchDBresult such that reducedCouchDBresult which are found in multiple source
          // words are only used/included once.
          self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase = reducedCouchDBresult;
          self.fetching = false;
          // Save the reduced precedence self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase in localStorage
          if (self.dbname) {
            try {
              localStorage.setItem(self.dbname + "morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase", JSON.stringify(self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase));
            } catch (error) {
              if (error.message === "localStorage is not defined") {
                console.warn("cannot save precedence self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase for offline use");
              } else {
                //remove other corpora's self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase to make space for the most recent...
                for (var x in localStorage) {
                  if (x.indexOf("self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase") > -1) {
                try {
                  localStorage.setItem(self.dbname + "self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase", JSON.stringify(self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase));
                } catch (error2) {
                  self.warn("Your lexicon is huge!", error2);
        }, function(reason) {
          self.fetching = false;
          self.debug("Error getting precedence self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase:", reason);
          // self.bug(reason.userFriendlyErrors.join(" "));
        .fail(function(exception) {
          self.fetching = false;
          self.warn("Exception getting precedence self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase:", exception.stack);
          self.bug("Exception getting precedence rules in the glosser.");

      return this.whenFetched;

  morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase: {
    get: function() {
      if (!this._morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase && (!this.lastMorphemePrecedenceRelationsLookupTimestamp && - this.lastMorphemePrecedenceRelationsLookupTimestamp > 30000) && this.corpus && this.corpus.this.dbname) {
        try {
          var value = localStorage.getItme(this.corpus.this.dbname + "morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase");
          if (value) {
            value = JSON.parse(value);
          if (value) {
            this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase = value;
          this.lastMorphemePrecedenceRelationsLookupTimestamp =;
        } catch (exception) {
          console.warn("Glosser's morpheme segmentation knowledge cannot be persisted across page loads for offline use.", exception);
          this.lastMorphemePrecedenceRelationsLookupTimestamp = Infinity;
      return this._morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase;
    set: function(value) {
      if (value && value.rows && typeof value.rows.filter === "function") {
        value = value.rows;
      if (value && typeof value.filter === "function") {
        // Reduce the rules such that rules which are found in multiple source
        // words are only used/included once.
        var uniqueRules = {};
        var size = 0;
        value = {
          /* TODO handle lexicon precedecne rules instead of simple condensed rules */

          if (row.key && typeof row.key.indexOf === "function" && row.key.indexOf("@-@") > -1) {

          // If all ready reduced, use the count as the value
          if (typeof row.value === "number") {
            uniqueRules[row.key] = row.value;
          } else {
            // If not ready reduced, add the value into an array which will serve as the count
            if (!uniqueRules[row.key]) {
              uniqueRules[row.key] = uniqueRules[row.key] || [];
        uniqueRules.length = size;
        value = uniqueRules;
      this._morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase = value;

   * Takes in an utterance line and, based on our current set of precendence
   * self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase, guesses what the morpheme line would be. The algorithm is
   * very conservative.
   * @param {String} unparsedUtterance The raw utterance line.
   * @return {String} The guessed morphemes line.
  morphemefinder: {
    value: function(datum, justCopyDontGuessIGT) {
      if (!datum || !datum.utterance) {
        return datum;
      // Keep the current morphemes as an alternate, and copy the utterance into the morphemes if it was empty
      if (datum.morphemes) {
        datum.alternateMorphemeLines = datum.alternateMorphemeLines || [];
      } else {
        datum.morphemes = datum.utterance + "";

      // If the user doesnt want to guess on this call, this datum, or any glosser data, dont bother guessing segmentation
      if (justCopyDontGuessIGT || this.justCopyDontGuessIGT || datum.justCopyDontGuessIGT) {
        return datum;

      // If there is no data, dont bother guessing segmentation
      if (!this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase || !this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase.length) {
        return datum;

      // Divide the utterance line into words
      datum.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries = "@" + datum.utterance.trim().toLocaleLowerCase().split(/\s+/).join("@") + "@";
      datum.matchingRules = [];

      this.debug(" Found matchingRules " + datum.utterance + " which conservatively yields exact segmentation matches " + datum.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries, datum.matchingRules);
      if (this.conservative === false) {
        console.warn(" Continuing to look harder for segmentation. Currently " + datum.utterance + " directly segments as " + datum.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries);
      } else {
        this.debug(" Not looking harder for segmentation. Currently " + datum.utterance + " directly segments as " + datum.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries);
        datum.morphemes = datum.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries.replace(/-?@-?/g, " ").trim();
        return datum;

      return datum;

   * Find the this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase which match in local precedence
   * @param  {Object} options [description]
   * @return {Object} options after processing                               [description]
  findRelevantSegmentationContexts: {
    value: function(options) {
      if (!options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries) {
        return options;
      this.debug("Looking for matching rules " + options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries);

      if (!options.matchingRules) {
        options.matchingRules = [];
      var originalUtteranceWithWordBoundaries = options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries + "";
      for (var segmentation in this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase) {
        if (!this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase.hasOwnProperty(segmentation) || segmentation === "length") {
        if (originalUtteranceWithWordBoundaries.indexOf(segmentation.replace(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX, "")) >= 0) {
          this.debug("   matching rule " + originalUtteranceWithWordBoundaries + " <-" + segmentation);
          // If this has enough context then consider it a correct segmentation
          if (segmentation.split(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX).length > 2) {
            options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries = options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries.replace(segmentation.replace(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX, ""), segmentation);

          this.debug("      now " + options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries);
            segmentation: segmentation,
            contexts: this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase[segmentation],
            morphemes: segmentation.split(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX)
        } else {
          this.debug("   not matching rule " + originalUtteranceWithWordBoundaries + " |- " + segmentation);
      return options;

  findaAllPossibleMorphemeLines: {
    value: function(options) {

      // Attempt to find the longest template which the matching this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase can
      // generate from start to end
      options.alternateMorphemeLines = options.alternateMorphemeLines || [];
      options.usedRules = options.usedRules || [];

      if (!options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries) {
        return options;
      options.utterance = options.utterance || Glosser.removeWordBoundaryPlaceholders(options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries);
      this.debug("alternateMorphemeLines " + options.alternateMorphemeLines);

      if (!options.matchingRules || !options.matchingRules.length) {
      if (!options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord) {
        options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord = {};
        options.utteranceWithExplictWordBoundaries.split(/-?@-?/).map(function(word) {
          if (word) {
            options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord[word.replace(Glosser.morphemeBoundaryRegEX, "")] = {
              fullParses: [word],
              prefixTemplates: [],
              suffixTemplates: []

      var match,

      for (var word in options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord) {

        this.debug("\nFinding prefixtemplate " + word);
        var prefixtemplate = ["@"];

        // up to 10 morphemes long
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
          if (prefixtemplate[i] === undefined) {
          // Look at each rule
          for (matchIndex = 0; matchIndex < options.matchingRules.length; matchIndex++) {
            match = options.matchingRules[matchIndex];
            if (prefixtemplate.length > 2 && prefixtemplate[prefixtemplate.length - 1] === "@") {
              continue; //we found the end already

            // this morpheme matches, and the following morpheme can be found somewhere later in the word
            if (prefixtemplate[i] === match.morphemes[0] && (match.morphemes[1] === "@" || word.indexOf(match.morphemes[1]) > -1)) {
              if (prefixtemplate[i + 1]) { // ambiguity (two potential following morphemes)
                this.debug("Ambiguity point for prefixes " + word + " " + prefixtemplate[i + 1], options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord[word]);
              } else {
                prefixtemplate[i + 1] = match.morphemes[1];
                this.debug("   prefixtemplate " + prefixtemplate.join("-"));

        // If prefix template matches the whole word (ie we have seen it before, return the prefix template exactly)
        if (prefixtemplate.length > 2 && prefixtemplate[0] === "@" && prefixtemplate[prefixtemplate.length - 1] === "@") {
          this.debug("Prefix matches entire word. " + prefixtemplate.join("-"));
          prefixtemplate.pop(); //remove final @
          prefixtemplate.shift(); //remove intitial @
          prefixtemplate = options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord[word].prefixTemplates.pop() || ["@"];
          this.debug("Considering another parse " + prefixtemplate.join("-"));
        } else {
          prefixtemplate = options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord[word].prefixTemplates.pop() || ["@"];
          this.debug("Considering another parse " + prefixtemplate.join("-"));

        // If the prefix template hit ambiguity in the middle, try from the suffix
        // in until it hits ambiguity
        var suffixtemplate = [];
        if (prefixtemplate[prefixtemplate.length - 1] !== "@" || prefixtemplate.length === 1) {
          // Suffix:
          this.debug("   suffixtemplate " + suffixtemplate.join("-"));

          for (var ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) {
            if (suffixtemplate[ii] === undefined) {
            for (var suffixMatchIndex = 0; suffixMatchIndex < options.matchingRules.length; suffixMatchIndex++) {
              var suffixmatch = options.matchingRules[suffixMatchIndex];

              // this morpheme matches, and the following morpheme can be found somewhere later in the word
              if (suffixtemplate[ii] === suffixmatch.morphemes[1] && (suffixmatch.morphemes[0] === "@" || word.indexOf(suffixmatch.morphemes[0]) > -1)) {
                if (suffixtemplate[ii + 1]) { // ambiguity (two potential
                  // following morphemes)
                  this.debug("Ambiguity point for suffixes " + word + " " + suffixtemplate[ii + 1], options.alternateMorphemeSegmentationsByWord[word]);
                } else {
                  suffixtemplate[ii + 1] = suffixmatch.morphemes[0];
                  this.debug("   suffixtemplate " + suffixtemplate.join("-"));

        } else {
          this.debug("what is this condition");

        // Combine prefix and suffix templates into one regular expression which
        // can be tested against the word to find a potential parse.
        // Regular expressions will look something like
        //    (@)(.*)(hall)(.*)(o)(.*)(wa)(.*)(n)(.*)(@)
        var template = [];
        template = prefixtemplate.concat(suffixtemplate.reverse());
        for (var slot in template) {
          template[slot] = "(" + template[slot] + ")";
        var regex = new RegExp(template.join("(.*)"), "");

        this.debug("Considering regex ", regex);
        // Use the regular expression to find a guessed morphemes line
        var potentialParse = word
          .replace(regex, "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5-$6-$7-$8-$9") // Use backreferences to parse into morphemes
          .replace(/\$[0-9]/g, "") // Remove any backreferences that weren't used
          .replace(/@/g, "") // Remove the start/end-of-line symbol
          .replace(/--+/g, "-") // Ensure that there is only ever one "-" in a row
          .replace(/^-/, "") // Remove "-" at the start of the word
          .replace(/-$/, ""); // Remove "-" at the end of the word
        this.debug("Potential parse of " + word.replace(/@/g, "") + " is " + potentialParse);


      options.sort = Glosser.sortAlternatesByMoreSegmentation;


      // options.alternateMorphemeLines.push(fullParse);

      // options.alternateMorphemeLines.push(parsedWords.join(" "));
      options.morphemes = options.alternateMorphemeLines[0];
      return options;

  contextSensitiveGlossFinder: {
    value: function(fields, justCopyDontGuessIGT) {
      var morphemesLine = fields.morphemes;
      if (!morphemesLine) {
        return "";

      if (justCopyDontGuessIGT || !this.lexicon) {
        var justQuestionMarks = morphemesLine.trim().replace(/[^ =-]+/g, "?");
        fields.gloss = justQuestionMarks;
      } else {
        fields = this.lexicon.guessContextSensitiveGlosses(fields);

      return fields;

  // simplisticGlossFinder: {
  //   value: function(morphemesLine, justCopyDontGuessIGT) {
  //     if (!morphemesLine) {
  //       return "";
  //     }

  //     if (justCopyDontGuessIGT) {
  //       var justQuestionMarks = morphemesLine.trim().replace(/[^ -]+/g, "?");
  //       return justQuestionMarks;
  //     }

  //     if (!this.dbname) {
  //       if (!this.application || !this.application.get("corpus")) {
  //         throw "Glosser can't be guessed, there is no app so the URL must be defined.";
  //       }
  //       this.dbname = this.application.get("corpus").get("couchConnection").this.dbname;
  //     }

  //     var lexiconNodes = localStorage.getItem(this.dbname + "lexiconResults");
  //     if (!lexiconNodes) {
  //       return "";
  //     }

  //     lexiconNodes = JSON.parse(lexiconNodes);

  //     var glossGroups = [];
  //     var morphemeGroup = morphemesLine.split(/\s+/);
  //     for (var group in morphemeGroup) {
  //       var morphemes = morphemeGroup[group].split("-");
  //       var glosses = [];
  //       for (var m in morphemes) {

  //         var matchingNodes = [];
  //         var node = lexiconNodes[morphemes[m]];
  //         if (node) {
  //           matchingNodes.push(node);
  //         }
  //         node = lexiconNodes[morphemes[m].toLowerCase()];
  //         if (node) {
  //           matchingNodes.push(node);
  //         }
  //         var gloss = "?"; // If there's no matching gloss, use question marks
  //         if (matchingNodes.length > 0) {
  //           // Take the first gloss for this morpheme
  //           this.debug("Glosses which match: ", matchingNodes);
  //           try {
  //             gloss = matchingNodes[0][0].gloss;
  //           } catch (e) {
  //             this.debug(matchingNodes);
  //           }
  //         }
  //         glosses.push(gloss);

  //       }

  //       glossGroups.push(glosses.join("-"));
  //     }

  //     // Replace the gloss line with the guessed glosses
  //     return glossGroups.join(" ");
  //   }
  // },

  guessUtteranceFromMorphemes: {
    value: function(fields) {
      if (!fields.utterance && fields.morphemes) {
        fields.utterance = fields.morphemes.replace(/[-.]/g, "");
      return fields;

  guessMorphemesFromUtterance: {
    value: function(fields, justCopyDontGuessIGT) {
      if (fields.morphemes) {
        return fields;
      this.morphemefinder(fields, justCopyDontGuessIGT);
      if (!fields.gloss) {
        fields = this.contextSensitiveGlossFinder(fields, justCopyDontGuessIGT);
      return fields;
  guessGlossFromMorphemes: {
    value: function(fields, justCopyDontGuessIGT) {
      if (fields.gloss) {
        return fields;
      if (!fields.morphemes) {
        fields.morphemes = fields.utterance;
      fields = this.contextSensitiveGlossFinder(fields, justCopyDontGuessIGT);
      return fields;

  // glossFinder: {
  //   value: function(morphemesLine) {
  //     //Guess a gloss
  //     var morphemeGroup = morphemesLine.split(/\s+/);
  //     var glossGroups = [];
  //     if (!this.lexicon) {
  //       var corpusSize = 31; //TODO get corpus size another way. // app.get("corpus").datalists.models[app.get("corpus").datalists.models.length-1].get("datumIds").length;
  //       if (corpusSize > 30 && !Glosser.toastedUserToSync) {
  //         Glosser.toastedUserToSync = true;
  //         this.popup("You probably have enough data to train an autoglosser for your corpus.\n\nIf you sync your data with the team server then editing the morphemes will automatically run the auto glosser.", "alert-success", "Sync to train your auto-glosser:");
  //       } else {
  //         Glosser.toastedUserToImport++;
  //         if (Glosser.toastedUserToImport % 10 === 1 && corpusSize < 30) {
  //           this.popup("You have roughly " + corpusSize + " datum saved in your pouch, if you have around 30 datum, then you have enough data to train an autoglosser for your corpus.", "alert-info", "AutoGlosser:");
  //         }
  //       }
  //     }
  //     for (var group in morphemeGroup) {
  //       var morphemes = morphemeGroup[group].split("-");
  //       var glosses = [];
  //       for (var m in morphemes) {
  //         if (!this.lexicon) {
  //           glosses.push("?");
  //           continue;
  //         }
  //         console.log("looking for morpheme " + morphemes[m]);
  //         // Take the first gloss for this morpheme
  //         var matchingNode = this.lexicon.find("morphemes", morphemes[m]);
  //         var gloss = "?"; // If there"s no matching gloss, use question marks
  //         this.warn(matchingNode);
  //         if (matchingNode.length) {
  //           gloss = matchingNode[0].gloss;
  //         }
  //         glosses.push(gloss);
  //       }

  //       glossGroups.push(glosses.join("-"));
  //     }

  //     // Replace the gloss line with the guessed glosses
  //     return glossGroups.join(" ");
  //   }
  // },

   * Takes as a parameters an array of self.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase which came from CouchDB precedence rule query.
   * Example Rule: {"key":{"x":"@","relation":"precedes","y":"aqtu","context":"aqtu-nay-wa-n"},"value":2}
  morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBaseGraph: {
    get: function() {
      if (this._morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBaseGraph) {
        return this._morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBaseGraph;
      if (!this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase) {
       * Cycle through the precedence this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase, convert them into graph edges with the morpheme index in the morpheme array as the source/target values
      var morphemeLinks = [];
      var morphemes = [];
      for (var i in this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase) {
        /* make the @ more like what a linguist recognizes for word boundaries */
        if (this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase[i].key.x === "@") {
          this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase[i].key.x = "#_";
        if (this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase[i].key.y === "@") {
          this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase[i].key.y = "_#";
        var xpos = morphemes.indexOf(this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase[i].key.x);
        if (xpos < 0) {
          xpos = morphemes.length - 1;
        var ypos = morphemes.indexOf(this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase[i].key.y);
        if (ypos < 0) {
          ypos = morphemes.length - 1;
        //To avoid loops?
        if (this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase[i].key.y.indexOf("@") === -1) {
            source: xpos,
            target: ypos,
            value: 1 //TODO use the context counting to get a weight measure

       * Build the morphemes into nodes and color them by their morpheme length, could be a good measure of outliers
      var morphemenodes = [];
      for (var m in morphemes) {
          name: morphemes[m],
          length: morphemes[m].length

       * Create the JSON required by D3
      this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBaseGraph = {};
      this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBaseGraph.links = morphemeLinks;
      this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBaseGraph.nodes = morphemenodes;

      return this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBaseGraph;

  saveAndInterConnectInApp: {
    value: function(callback) {
      if (typeof callback === "function") {

  visualizeMorphemesAsForceDirectedGraph: {
    value: function() {
      this.warn("visualizeMorphemesAsForceDirectedGraph is deprecated use visualizePrecedenceRelationsAsForceDirectedGraph instead");

   * Show precedes relations in a connected graph
   * @param  {Object} element Obligatory element where the render should go
   * @return {Glosser}            returns itself for chaining calls
  visualizePrecedenceRelationsAsForceDirectedGraph: {
    value: function(options) {
      options = options || {};
      if (!this.lexicon || !this.lexicon.length) {
        this.warn("Cannot visualize an empty lexicon.");
        return this;

      if (!this.lexicon.connectedGraph && !this.lexicon.entryRelations && this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase) {
        this.lexicon.entryRelations = this.morphemeSegmentationKnowledgeBase;


      return this;

  render: {
    value: function(options) {
      return this.visualizePrecedenceRelationsAsForceDirectedGraph(options);

  isWithinConfidenceRange: {
    value: function(morpheme, confidenceRange) {
      if (!confidenceRange) {
        return true;
      return morpheme.confidence <= confidenceRange.max && morpheme.confidence >= confidenceRange.min;


exports.Glosser = Glosser;