

The datum fields are the fields in the datum and session models. They can be freely added and should show up in the datum view according to frequency.


new DatumField()

Name Type Description
size The size of the datum field refers to the width of the text area. Some of them, such as the judgment one will be very short, while others context can be infinitely long.
label The label that is associated with the field, such as Transcription, Morphemes, etc.
value This is what the user will enter when entering data into the data fields.
mask This allows users to mask fields for confidentiality.
shouldBeEncrypted This is whether the field is masked or not.
help This is a pop up that tells other users how to use the field the user has created.




In the case of the datumfield, if the datum field is not encrypted, then the mask and value are essentially the same. If however the datum is supposed to be encrypted, the value needs to start with confidential, and the mask should be xxxx representign words/morphemes which are allowed to be shown. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11315844/what-is-the-correct-way-in-backbone-js-to-listen-and-modify-a-model-property


Called before set and save, checks the attributes that the user is attempting to set or save. If the user is trying to set a mask on an encrypted datum field that should be encrypted, the only time they can do this is if the data is in tempEncryptedVisible, with decryptedMode on.