

The Session widget is the place where information which is generally shared by many datum (due to being part of an elicitiation session)


new Session()

Name Type Description
sessionID Number The session ID is an automatically generated number which will uniquely identify the session.
user String The user is the person inputting the data for that session.
team String The team is the team that the user belongs to.
consultant String The consultant is the native speaker of the language under investigation that has verified the data in the session.
language String The language is the language under investigation in the particular session.
languageFamily String The language family is an attribute which users can use to group languages.
dialect String The dialect specifies the dialect of the language under investigation.
date String The date is the date that the data was elicited.
goal String The goal is the particular linguistic goal that the researcher was pursuing during that session. new DatumField({ label : "user", shouldBeEncrypted: "", userchooseable: "disabled" }), new DatumField({ label : "consultants", shouldBeEncrypted: "", userchooseable: "disabled" }), new DatumField({ label : "language", shouldBeEncrypted: "", userchooseable: "disabled", help: "This is the langauge (or language family) if you would like to use it." }), new DatumField({ label : "dialect", shouldBeEncrypted: "", userchooseable: "disabled", help: "You can use this field to be as precise as you would like about the dialect of this session." }), new DatumField({ label : "dateElicited", shouldBeEncrypted: "", userchooseable: "disabled", help: "This is the date in which the session took place." }), new DatumField({ label : "dateSEntered", shouldBeEncrypted: "", userchooseable: "disabled", help: "This is the date in which the session was entered." }), new DatumField({ label : "goal", shouldBeEncrypted: "", userchooseable: "disabled", help: "This describes the goals of the session." }),
The initialize function brings up a page in which the user can fill out the details corresponding to the session. These details will be linked to each datum submitted in the session.




Accepts two functions to call back when save is successful or fails. If the fail callback is not overridden it will alert failure to the user. - Adds the session to the corpus if it is in the right corpus, and wasnt already there - Adds the session to the user if it wasn't already there - Adds an activity to the logged in user with diff in what the user changed.


Accepts two functions success will be called if sucessfull, otherwise it will attempt to render the current session views. If the session isn't in the current corpus it will call the fail callback or it will alert a bug to the user. Override the fail callback if you don't want the alert.