
 * @class The export class helps export a set of selected data into csv, xml
 *        and LaTex file.
 * @name  Export
 * @property {Collection} datalist This is the data selected for export.
 * @property {String} dataListName This is the name of the data set which
 *           appears as a filename when exported.
 * @property {Array} fields The fields array contains titles of the fields.
 * @property {Event} event The export event (e.g. click "LatexIt").
 * @description The initialize serves to bind export to e.g. LaTexIt event.
 * @extends Backbone.Model
 * @constructs
var Export = /** @lends Export.prototype */ {
  initialize: function() {},

  exportCSV: function() {},

  exportXML: function() {},

  exportLaTex: function() {},

exports.Export = Export;