
/* global window, OPrime */
var Confidential = require("./../confidentiality_encryption/Confidential").Confidential;
var CorpusMask = require("./CorpusMask").CorpusMask;
var LanguageDatum = require("./../datum/LanguageDatum").LanguageDatum;
var DatumField = require("./../datum/DatumField").DatumField;
var DatumFields = require("./../datum/DatumFields").DatumFields;
var Session = require("./../datum/Session").Session;
var Speaker = require("./../user/Speaker").Speaker;
var FieldDBObject = require("./../FieldDBObject").FieldDBObject;
var Q = require("q");

var DEFAULT_CORPUS_MODEL = require("./corpus.json");
var DEFAULT_PSYCHOLINGUISTICS_CORPUS_MODEL = require("./psycholinguistics-corpus.json");

 * @class A corpus is like a git repository, it has a remote, a title
 *        a description and perhaps a readme When the user hits sync
 *        their "branch" of the corpus will be pushed to the central
 *        remote, and we will show them a "diff" of what has
 *        changed.
 * The Corpus may or may not be a git repository, so this class is
 * to abstract the functions we would expect the corpus to have,
 * regardless of how it is really stored on the disk.
 * @property {String} title This is used to refer to the corpus, and
 *           what appears in the url on the main website eg
 * @property {String} description This is a short description that
 *           appears on the corpus details page
 * @property {String} remote The git url of the remote eg:
 * @property {Consultants} consultants Collection of consultants who contributed to the corpus
 * @property {DatumStates} datumstates Collection of datum states used to describe the state of datums in the corpus
 * @property {DatumFields} datumFields Collection of datum fields used in the corpus
 * @property {ConversationFields} conversationfields Collection of conversation-based datum fields used in the corpus
 * @property {Sessions} sessions Collection of sessions that belong to the corpus
 * @property {DataLists} datalists Collection of data lists created under the corpus
 * @property {Permissions} permissions Collection of permissions groups associated to the corpus
 * @property {Glosser} glosser The glosser listens to
 *           orthography/utterence lines and attempts to guess the
 *           gloss.
 * @property {Lexicon} lexicon The lexicon is a list of morphemes,
 *           allomorphs and glosses which are used to index datum, and
 *           also to gloss datum.
 * @description The initialize function probably checks to see if
 *              the corpus is new or existing and brings it down to
 *              the user's client.
 * @extends CorpusMask
 * @tutorial tests/corpus/CorpusTest.js

var Corpus = function Corpus(options) {
  if (!this._fieldDBtype) {
    this._fieldDBtype = "Corpus";
  this.debug("Constructing corpus", options);
  CorpusMask.apply(this, arguments);
Corpus.DEFAULT_DATUM = LanguageDatum;

Corpus.prototype = Object.create(CorpusMask.prototype, /** @lends Corpus.prototype */ {
  constructor: {
    value: Corpus

   *  Must customize id to the original method since CorpusMask overrides it with "corpus"
  id: {
    get: function() {
      return this._id || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING;
    set: function(value) {
      if (value === this._id) {
      if (!value) {
        delete this._id;
      if (value.trim) {
        value = value.trim();
      this._id = value;

  dateOfLastDatumModifiedToCheckForOldSession: {
    get: function() {
      var timestamp = 0;
      if (this.sessions && this.sessions.length > 0) {
        var mostRecentSession = this.sessions[this.sessions.length - 1];
        if (mostRecentSession.dateModified) {
          timestamp = mostRecentSession.dateModified;
      return new Date(timestamp);
    set: function() {}

  confidential: {
    get: function() {
      return this._confidential || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_OBJECT;
    set: function(value) {
      this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("confidential", value);
      return this._confidential;

  publicCorpus: {
    get: function() {
      return this._publicCorpus || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_STRING;
    set: function(value) {
      if (value === this._publicCorpus) {
      if (!value || (value !== "Public" && value !== "Private")) {
        this.warn("Corpora can be either Public or Private, if you make your corpus Public you can customize which fields are visible to public visitors.");
        value = "Private";
      this._publicCorpus = value;

   * TODO decide if we want to fetch these from the server, and keep a fossil in the object?
   * @type {Object}
  corpusMask: {
    get: function() {
      if (!this._corpusMask) {
        this.corpusMask = {
          "id": "corpus"
        // this.corpusMask.fetch();
      return this._corpusMask;
    set: function(value) {
      this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("corpusMask", value);

  corpus: {
    get: function() {
      return this;
    set: function() {
      // do nothing

  publicSelf: {
    get: function() {
      console.error("publicSelf is deprecated, use corpusMask instead");
      return this.corpusMask;
    set: function(value) {
      // console.error("publicSelf is deprecated, use corpusMask instead");
      this.corpusMask = value;

  validationStati: {
    get: function() {
      return this._validationStati || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_COLLECTION;
    set: function(value) {
      this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("validationStati", value);

  tags: {
    get: function() {
      return this._tags || FieldDBObject.DEFAULT_COLLECTION;
    set: function(value) {
      this.ensureSetViaAppropriateType("tags", value);

  fetch: {
    value: function(optionalUrl) {
      if (! && this.dbname) {
        return this.loadCorpusByDBname(this.dbname);
      } else {
        if (optionalUrl) {
          this.warn("Using a custom url to fetch this Corpus." + optionalUrl);
        return FieldDBObject.prototype.fetch.apply(this, arguments);

  loadCorpusByDBname: {
    value: function(dbname) {
      if (!dbname) {
        throw new Error("Cannot load corpus, its dbname was undefined");
      var deferred = this.loadCorpusByDBnameDeferred || Q.defer(),
        self = this;

      dbname = dbname.trim();

      this.dbname = dbname;
      this.loading = true;

      // this.debugMode = true;
      Q.nextTick(function() {

        var tryAgainInCaseThereWasALag = function(reason) {
          if (self.runningloadCorpusByDBname) {
            self.warn("Error finding a corpus in " + self.dbname + " database. This database will not function normally. Please report this.");
            self.bug("Error finding corpus details in " + self.dbname + " database. This database will not function normally. Please report this.");
          self.runningloadCorpusByDBname = true;
          self.loadCorpusByDBnameDeferred = deferred;
          self.debug("Wating 1000ms to try to load again.");
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 1000);

        self.fetchCollection(self.api).then(function(corpora) {

          var corpusAsSelf = function(corpusid) {
            self.runningloadCorpusByDBname = false;
            delete self.loadCorpusByDBnameDeferred;
   = corpusid;
            self.fetch().then(function(result) {
              self.debug("Finished fetch of corpus ", result);
              self.loading = false;
            }, function(reason) {
              self.loading = false;
            }).fail(function(error) {
              console.error(error.stack, self);

          if (corpora.length === 1) {
          } else if (corpora.length > 1) {
            self.warn("Impossible to have more than one corpus for this dbname, marking irrelevant corpora as trashed");
              if (row.value.dbname === self.dbname || row.value.pouchname === self.dbname) {
              } else {
                self.warn("There were multiple corpora details in this database, it is probaly one of the old offline databases prior to v1.30 or the result of merged corpora. This is not really a problem, the correct details will be used, and this corpus details will be marked as deleted. " + row.value);
                row.value.trashed = "deleted";
                self.set(row.value).then(function(result) {
                  self.debug("flag as deleted succedded", result);
                }, function(reason) {
                  self.warn("flag as deleted failed", reason, row.value);
                }).fail(function(error) {
                  console.error(error.stack, self);
          } else {
        }, function(reason) {
          if (reason && reason.userFriendlyErrors && reason.userFriendlyErrors[0].indexOf("device will be unable to contact") > -1) {
          } else {



      return deferred.promise;

  fetchMask: {
    value: function() {
      this.todo("test fetchMask");
      if (!this.dbname) {
        throw new Error("Cannot load corpus's public self, its dbname was undefined");
      var deferred = Q.defer(),
        self = this;

      Q.nextTick(function() {

        if (self.corpusMask && self.corpusMask.rev) {

        self.corpusMask = new CorpusMask({
          dbname: self.dbname

          .then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject)
          .fail(function(error) {
            console.error(error.stack, self);

      return deferred.promise;

   * backbone-couchdb adaptor set up

  // The couchdb-connector is capable of mapping the url scheme
  // proposed by the authors of Backbone to documents in your database,
  // so that you don't have to change existing apps when you switch the sync-strategy
  api: {
    value: "private_corpora"

  defaults: {
    get: function() {
      var corpusTemplate = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_CORPUS_MODEL));
      corpusTemplate.confidential.secretkey = FieldDBObject.uuidGenerator();
      return corpusTemplate;
    set: function() {}

  defaults_psycholinguistics: {
    get: function() {
      var doc = this.defaults;

        for (var property in DEFAULT_PSYCHOLINGUISTICS_CORPUS_MODEL) {
          if (DEFAULT_PSYCHOLINGUISTICS_CORPUS_MODEL.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            doc[property] = DEFAULT_PSYCHOLINGUISTICS_CORPUS_MODEL[property];
        doc.participantFields = this.defaults.speakerFields.concat(doc.participantFields);

      return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(doc));
    set: function() {}

   * Make the  model marked as Deleted, mapreduce function will
   * ignore the deleted models so that it does not show in the app,
   * but deleted model remains in the database until the admin empties
   * the trash.
   * Also remove it from the view so the user cant see it.
  putInTrash: {
    value: function() {
      OPrime.bug("Sorry deleting corpora is not available right now. Too risky... ");
      if (true) {
      /* TODO contact server to delte the corpus, if the success comes back, then do this */
      this.trashed = "deleted" +;;

   *  This the function called by the add button, it adds a new comment state both to the collection and the model
   * @type {Object}
  newComment: {
    value: function(commentstring) {
      var m = {
        "text": commentstring,

      this.unsavedChanges = true;{
        verb: "commented",
        verbicon: "icon-comment",
        directobjecticon: "",
        directobject: "'" + commentstring + "'",
        indirectobject: "on <i class='icon-cloud'></i><a href='#corpus/" + + "'>this corpus</a>",
        teamOrPersonal: "team",
        context: " via Offline App."
        verb: "commented",
        verbicon: "icon-comment",
        directobjecticon: "",
        directobject: "'" + commentstring + "'",
        indirectobject: "on <i class='icon-cloud'></i><a href='#corpus/" + + "'>" + this.get("title") + "</a>",
        teamOrPersonal: "personal",
        context: " via Offline App."

      return m;

  currentSession: {
    get: function() {
      return this._currentSession;
    set: function(value) {
      this._currentSession = value;

   * Builds a new session in this corpus, copying the current session's fields (if available) or the corpus' session fields.
   * @return {Session} a new session for this corpus
  newSession: {
    value: function(options) {
      var sessionFields;
      if (this.currentSession && this.currentSession.sessionFields) {
        sessionFields = this.currentSession.sessionFields.clone();
      } else {
        sessionFields = this.sessionFields.clone();
      var session = new Session({
        dbname: this.dbname,
        fields: sessionFields,
        confidential: this.confidential,
        // url: this.url

      for (var field in options) {
        if (!options.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
        if (session.fields[field]) {
          this.debug("  this option appears to be a sessionField " + field);
          session.fields[field].value = options[field];
        } else {
          session[field] = options[field];

      return session;

  newDoc: {
    value: function(options) {
      return this.newDatum(options);

  newDatum: {
    value: function(options) {
      this.debug("Creating a datum for this corpus");
      if (!this.datumFields || !this.datumFields.clone) {
        throw new Error("This corpus has no default datum fields... It is unable to create a datum.");
      var datum;
      if (options instanceof Corpus.DEFAULT_DATUM) {
        datum = options;
        datum.dbname = this.dbname;
        datum.confidential = this.confidential;
        datum = this.updateDatumToCorpusFields(datum);
      } else {
        datum = new Corpus.DEFAULT_DATUM({
          fields: new DatumFields(this.datumFields.cloneStructure()),
          dbname: this.dbname,
          confidential: this.confidential
      for (var field in options) {
        if (!options.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
        if (datum.fields[field]) {
          this.debug("  this option appears to be a datumField " + field);
          datum.fields[field].value = options[field];
        } else {
          datum[field] = options[field];
      datum.fossil = datum.toJSON();
      return datum;

  newDatumAsync: {
    value: function(options) {
      var deferred = Q.defer(),
        self = this;

      Q.nextTick(function() {
        var datum = self.newDatum(options);
      return deferred.promise;

  newField: {
    value: function(field) {
      field = field || {};

      if (!(field instanceof DatumField)) {
        field = new DatumField(field);
      return field;

  addDatumField: {
    value: function(field) {
      if (! && field.label) { = field.label;
      if (!(field instanceof DatumField)) {
        field = new DatumField(field);

  newSpeaker: {
    value: function(options) {
      var deferred = Q.defer(),
        self = this;

      Q.nextTick(function() {

        self.debug("Creating a datum for this corpus");
        if (!self.speakerFields || !self.speakerFields.clone) {
          throw new Error("This corpus has no default datum fields... It is unable to create a datum.");
        var datum = new Speaker({
          speakerFields: new DatumFields(self.speakerFields.clone()),
          confidential: self.confidential
        for (var field in options) {
          if (!options.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
          if (datum.speakerFields[field]) {
            self.debug("  this option appears to be a datumField " + field);
            datum.speakerFields[field].value = options[field];
          } else {
            datum[field] = options[field];
      return deferred.promise;

  updateDatumToCorpusFields: {
    value: function(datum) {
      if (!this.datumFields) {
        return datum;
      if (!datum.fields) {
        datum.fields = this.datumFields.clone();
        return datum;
      datum.fields = new DatumFields().merge(this.datumFields, datum.fields);
      return datum;

  updateSpeakerToCorpusFields: {
    value: function(speaker) {
      if (!this.speakerFields) {
        this.speakerFields = this.defaults_psycholinguistics.speakerFields;
      if (!speaker.fields) {
        speaker.fields = this.speakerFields.clone();
        return speaker;
      speaker.fields = new DatumFields().merge(this.speakerFields, speaker.fields);
      return speaker;

  updateParticipantToCorpusFields: {
    value: function(participant) {
      if (!this.participantFields) {
        this.participantFields = this.defaults_psycholinguistics.participantFields;
      if (!participant.fields) {
        participant.fields = this.participantFields.clone();
        return participant;
      participant.fields = new DatumFields().merge(this.participantFields, participant.fields, "overwrite");
      return participant;

   * Builds a new corpus based on this one (if this is not the team's practice corpus)
   * @return {Corpus} a new corpus based on this one
  newCorpus: {
    value: function(options) {
      var corpus,
        self = this;

      if (this.dbname && this.dbname.indexOf("firstcorpus") > -1) {
        corpus = new Corpus(Corpus.prototype.defaults);
      } else {
        corpus = this.clone();

        corpus.comments = [];
        corpus.confidential = new Confidential().fillWithDefaults();

        var fieldsToClear = ["datumFields", "sessionFields", "conversationFields", "participantFields", "speakerFields", "fields"];
        //clear out search terms from the new corpus's datum fields
        var defaults = this.defaults; {
          if (self[fieldsType]) {
            self.debug("Cloning structure only of fieldsType: ", fieldsType);
            corpus[fieldsType] = self[fieldsType].cloneStructure();
          } else {
            self.debug("fieldsType " + fieldsType + " was missing on this corpus, it's copy will have the fields. ", self);
            corpus[fieldsType] = defaults[fieldsType];

        if (this.dbname) {
          corpus.dbname = this.dbname + "_copy";
        corpus.title = corpus.title + " copy";
        corpus.titleAsUrl = corpus.titleAsUrl + "Copy";
        corpus.description = "Copy of: " + corpus.description;

      for (var aproperty in options) {
        if (options.hasOwnProperty(aproperty)) {
          corpus[aproperty] = options[aproperty];

      return corpus;

  cloneStructure: {
    value: function() {
      return this.newCorpus();

   * DO NOT store in attributes when saving to pouch (too big)
   * @type {FieldDBGlosser}
  glosser: {
    get: function() {
      return this.glosserExternalObject;
    set: function(value) {
      if (value === this.glosserExternalObject) {
      this.glosserExternalObject = value;

  lexicon: {
    get: function() {
      return this.lexiconExternalObject;
    set: function(value) {
      if (value === this.lexiconExternalObject) {
      this.lexiconExternalObject = value;

  find: {
    value: function(uri) {
      var deferred = Q.defer();

      if (!uri) {
        throw new Error("Uri must be specified ");

      Q.nextTick(function() {
        deferred.resolve([]); /* TODO try fetching this uri */

      return deferred.promise;

   *  This function looks for the field's details from the corpus fields, if it exists it returns that field template.
   * If the field isnt in the corpus' fields exactly, it looks for fields which this field should map to (eg, if the field is codepermanent it can be mapped to anonymouscode)
   * @param  {String/Object} field A datumField to look for, or the label/id of a datum field to look for.
   * @return {DatumField}       A datum field with details filled in from the corresponding field in the corpus, or from a template.
  normalizeFieldWithExistingCorpusFields: {
    value: function(field, optionalAllFields) {
      if (field && typeof field.trim === "function") {
        field = field.trim();
      if (field === undefined || field === null || field === "") {
      if (typeof field !== "object") {
        field = {
          id: field
      var incomingFieldIdOrLabel = || field.label;
      // incomingFieldIdOrLabel = incomingFieldIdOrLabel + "";
      if (incomingFieldIdOrLabel === undefined || incomingFieldIdOrLabel === null || incomingFieldIdOrLabel === "") {
      // this.debugMode = true;
      // this.debug("Normalizing " + incomingFieldIdOrLabel + " if it is known to this corpus.");
      var fuzzyLabel = incomingFieldIdOrLabel.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/g, "");
      if (!optionalAllFields) {
        optionalAllFields = new DatumFields();
        if (this.datumFields && this.datumFields.length > 0) {
        } else {
        if (this.participantFields && this.participantFields.length > 0 && this.participantFields.toJSON) {
        } else {
        if (this.speakerFields && this.speakerFields.length > 0 && this.speakerFields.toJSON) {
        } else {
        if (this.conversationFields && this.conversationFields.length > 0 && this.conversationFields.toJSON) {
        } else {
        this.debug("Using a clone of the corpus fields. ", optionalAllFields);
      var correspondingDatumField = optionalAllFields.find(field, null, true);
      /* if there is no corresponding field yet in the optionalAllFields, then maybe there is a field which is normalized to this label */
      if (!correspondingDatumField || correspondingDatumField.length === 0) {
        if (fuzzyLabel.indexOf("checkedwith") > -1 || fuzzyLabel.indexOf("checkedby") > -1 || fuzzyLabel.indexOf("publishedin") > -1) {
          correspondingDatumField = optionalAllFields.find("validationStatus");
          if (correspondingDatumField.length > 0) {
            this.debug("This header matches an existing corpus field. ", correspondingDatumField);
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelFieldLinguists = field.labelFieldLinguists || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelExperimenters = field.labelExperimenters || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
        } else if (fuzzyLabel.indexOf("codepermanent") > -1) {
          correspondingDatumField = optionalAllFields.find("anonymouscode");
          if (correspondingDatumField.length > 0) {
            this.debug("This header matches an existing corpus field. ", correspondingDatumField);
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelFieldLinguists = field.labelFieldLinguists || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelExperimenters = field.labelExperimenters || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
        } else if (fuzzyLabel.indexOf("nsection") > -1) {
          correspondingDatumField = optionalAllFields.find("courseNumber");
          if (correspondingDatumField.length > 0) {
            this.debug("This header matches an existing corpus field. ", correspondingDatumField);
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelFieldLinguists = field.labelFieldLinguists || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelExperimenters = field.labelExperimenters || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
        } else if (fuzzyLabel.indexOf("prenom") > -1 || fuzzyLabel.indexOf("prnom") > -1) {
          correspondingDatumField = optionalAllFields.find("firstname");
          if (correspondingDatumField.length > 0) {
            this.debug("This header matches an existing corpus field. ", correspondingDatumField);
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelFieldLinguists = field.labelFieldLinguists || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelExperimenters = field.labelExperimenters || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
        } else if (fuzzyLabel.indexOf("nomdefamille") > -1) {
          correspondingDatumField = optionalAllFields.find("lastname");
          if (correspondingDatumField.length > 0) {
            this.debug("This header matches an existing corpus field. ", correspondingDatumField);
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelFieldLinguists = field.labelFieldLinguists || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelExperimenters = field.labelExperimenters || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
        } else if (fuzzyLabel.indexOf("datedenaissance") > -1) {
          correspondingDatumField = optionalAllFields.find("dateofbirth");
          if (correspondingDatumField.length > 0) {
            this.debug("This header matches an existing corpus field. ", correspondingDatumField);
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelFieldLinguists = field.labelFieldLinguists || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
            correspondingDatumField[0].labelExperimenters = field.labelExperimenters || incomingFieldIdOrLabel;

      /* if the field is still not defined inthe corpus, construct a blank field with this label */
      if (!correspondingDatumField || correspondingDatumField.length === 0) {
        correspondingDatumField = [new DatumField(DatumField.prototype.defaults)];
        correspondingDatumField[0].id = incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
        correspondingDatumField[0].labelFieldLinguists = incomingFieldIdOrLabel;
        // correspondingDatumField[0].notInCorpus = true;
      if (correspondingDatumField && correspondingDatumField[0]) {
        correspondingDatumField = correspondingDatumField[0];

      this.debug("correspondingDatumField ", correspondingDatumField);

      if (correspondingDatumField instanceof DatumField) {
        return correspondingDatumField;
      } else {
        return new DatumField(correspondingDatumField);

  prepareANewOfflinePouch: {
    value: function() {
      throw new Error("I dont know how to prepareANewOfflinePouch");

   * Accepts two functions to call back when save is successful or
   * fails. If the fail callback is not overridden it will alert
   * failure to the user.
   * - Adds the corpus to the corpus if it is in the right corpus, and wasn't already there
   * - Adds the corpus to the user if it wasn't already there
   * - Adds an activity to the logged in user with diff in what the user changed.
   * @return {Promise} promise for the saved corpus
  saveCorpus: {
    value: function() {
      var deferred = Q.defer(),
        self = this;

      var newModel = false;
      if (! {
        self.debug("New corpus");
        newModel = true;
      } else {
        self.debug("Existing corpus");
      var oldrev = this.get("_rev");

      this.timestamp =;

      self.unsavedChanges = false; {
        var title = model.title;
        var differences = "#diff/oldrev/" + oldrev + "/newrev/" + model._rev;
        var verb = "modified";
        var verbicon = "icon-pencil";
        if (newModel) {
          verb = "added";
          verbicon = "icon-plus";
        var teamid = self.dbname.split("-")[0];{
          verb: "<a href='" + differences + "'>" + verb + "</a> ",
          verbmask: verb,
          verbicon: verbicon,
          directobject: "<a href='#corpus/" + + "'>" + title + "</a>",
          directobjectmask: "a corpus",
          directobjecticon: "icon-cloud",
          indirectobject: "created by <a href='#user/" + teamid + "'>" + teamid + "</a>",
          context: " via Offline App.",
          contextmask: "",
          teamOrPersonal: "personal"
          verb: "<a href='" + differences + "'>" + verb + "</a> ",
          verbmask: verb,
          verbicon: verbicon,
          directobject: "<a href='#corpus/" + + "'>" + title + "</a>",
          directobjectmask: "a corpus",
          directobjecticon: "icon-cloud",
          indirectobject: "created by <a href='#user/" + teamid + "'>this team</a>",
          context: " via Offline App.",
          contextmask: "",
          teamOrPersonal: "team"
      }, deferred.reject).fail(
        function(error) {
          console.error(error.stack, self);

      return deferred.promise;

   * If more views are added to corpora, add them here
   * @returns {} an object containing valid map reduce functions
   * TODO: add conversation search to the get_datum_fields function
  validDBQueries: {
    value: function() {
      return {
        // activities: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/activities",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/activities/map")
        // },
        // add_synctactic_category: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/add_synctactic_category",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/add_synctactic_category/map")
        // },
        // audioIntervals: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/audioIntervals",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/audioIntervals/map")
        // },
        // byCollection: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/byCollection",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/byCollection/map")
        // },
        // by_date: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/by_date",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/by_date/map")
        // },
        // by_rhyming: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/by_rhyming",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/by_rhyming/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/by_rhyming/reduce")
        // },
        // cleaning_example: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/cleaning_example",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/cleaning_example/map")
        // },
        // corpora: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/corpora",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/corpora/map")
        // },
        // datalists: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/datalists",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/datalists/map")
        // },
        // datums: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/datums",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/datums/map")
        // },
        // datums_by_user: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/datums_by_user",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/datums_by_user/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/datums_by_user/reduce")
        // },
        // datums_chronological: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/datums_chronological",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/datums_chronological/map")
        // },
        // deleted: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/deleted",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/deleted/map")
        // },
        // export_eopas_xml: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/export_eopas_xml",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/export_eopas_xml/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/export_eopas_xml/reduce")
        // },
        // get_corpus_datum_tags: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/get_corpus_datum_tags",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_corpus_datum_tags/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_corpus_datum_tags/reduce")
        // },
        // get_corpus_fields: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/get_corpus_fields",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_corpus_fields/map")
        // },
        // get_corpus_validationStati: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/get_corpus_validationStati",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_corpus_validationStati/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_corpus_validationStati/reduce")
        // },
        // get_datum_fields: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/get_datum_fields",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_datum_fields/map")
        // },
        // get_datums_by_session_id: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/get_datums_by_session_id",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_datums_by_session_id/map")
        // },
        // get_frequent_fields: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/get_frequent_fields",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_frequent_fields/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_frequent_fields/reduce")
        // },
        // get_search_fields_chronological: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/get_search_fields_chronological",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/get_search_fields_chronological/map")
        // },
        // glosses_in_utterance: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/glosses_in_utterance",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/glosses_in_utterance/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/glosses_in_utterance/reduce")
        // },
        // lexicon_create_tuples: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/lexicon_create_tuples",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/lexicon_create_tuples/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/lexicon_create_tuples/reduce")
        // },
        // morpheme_neighbors: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/morpheme_neighbors",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/morpheme_neighbors/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/morpheme_neighbors/reduce")
        // },
        // morphemes_in_gloss: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/morphemes_in_gloss",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/morphemes_in_gloss/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/morphemes_in_gloss/reduce")
        // },
        // recent_comments: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/recent_comments",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/recent_comments/map")
        // },
        // sessions: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/sessions",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/sessions/map")
        // },
        // users: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/users",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/users/map")
        // },
        // word_list: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/word_list",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/word_list/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/word_list/reduce")
        // },
        // map_reduce_unused_word_list_rdf: {
        //   url: "/_design/deprecated/_view/map_reduce_unused_word_list_rdf",
        //   map: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/word_list_rdf/map"),
        //   reduce: requireoff("./../../map_reduce_unused/views/word_list_rdf/reduce")
        // }

  validate: {
    value: function(attrs) {
      attrs = attrs || this;
      if (attrs.publicCorpus) {
        if (attrs.publicCorpus !== "Public") {
          if (attrs.publicCorpus !== "Private") {
            return "Corpus must be either Public or Private"; //TODO test this.

   * This function takes in a dbname, which could be different
   * from the current corpus in case there is a master corpus with
   * more/better monolingual data.
   * @param dbname
   * @param callback
  buildMorphologicalAnalyzerFromTeamServer: {
    value: function(dbname, callback) {
      if (!dbname) {
        dbname = this.dbname;
      this.glosser.downloadPrecedenceRules(dbname, this.glosserURL, callback);
   * This function takes in a dbname, which could be different
   * from the current corpus incase there is a master corpus wiht
   * more/better monolingual data.
   * @param dbname
   * @param callback
  buildLexiconFromTeamServer: {
    value: function(dbname, callback) {
      if (!dbname) {
        dbname = this.dbname;
      this.lexicon.buildLexiconFromCouch(dbname, callback);

   * This function takes in a dbname, which could be different
   * from the current corpus incase there is a master corpus wiht
   * more representative datum
   * example :
   * It takes the values stored in the corpus, if set, otherwise it will take the values from this corpus since the window was last refreshed
   * If a url is passed, it contacts the server for fresh info.
   * @param dbname
   * @param callback
  getFrequentDatumFields: {
    value: function() {
      return this.getFrequentValues("fields", ["judgement", "utterance", "morphemes", "gloss", "translation"]);

   * This function takes in a dbname, which could be different
   * from the current corpus incase there is a master corpus wiht
   * more representative datum
   * example :
   * It takes the values stored in the corpus, if set, otherwise it will take the values from this corpus since the window was last refreshed
   * If a url is passed, it contacts the server for fresh info.
   * @param dbname
   * @param callback
  getFrequentDatumValidationStates: {
    value: function() {
      return this.getFrequentValues("validationStatus", ["Checked", "Deleted", "ToBeCheckedByAnna", "ToBeCheckedByBill", "ToBeCheckedByClaude"]);

  getCorpusSpecificLocalizations: {
    value: function(optionalLocaleCode) {
      var self = this;

      if (optionalLocaleCode) {
        this.todo("Test the loading of an optionalLocaleCode");
        this.get(optionalLocaleCode + "/messages.json").then(function(locale) {
          if (!locale) {
            self.warn("the requested locale was empty.");
          self.application.contextualizer.addMessagesToContextualizedStrings("null", locale);
        }, function(error) {
          self.warn("The requested locale wasn't loaded");
          self.debug("locale loading error", error);
        }).fail(function(error) {
          console.error(error.stack, self);
      } else {
        this.fetchCollection("locales").then(function(locales) {
          for (var localeIndex = 0; localeIndex < locales.length; localeIndex++) {
            if (!locales[localeIndex]) {
              self.warn("the requested locale was empty.");
            self.application.contextualizer.addMessagesToContextualizedStrings(null, locales[localeIndex]);
        }, function(error) {
          self.warn("The locales didn't loaded");
          self.debug("locale loading error", error);
        }).fail(function(error) {
          console.error(error.stack, self);

      return this;

  getFrequentValues: {
    value: function(fieldname, defaults) {
      var deferred = Q.defer(),

      if (!defaults) {
        defaults = self["defaultFrequentDatum" + fieldname];

      /* if we have already asked the server in this page load, return */
      if (self["frequentDatum" + fieldname]) {
        Q.nextTick(function() {
          deferred.resolve(self["frequentDatum" + fieldname]);
        return deferred.promise;

      // var jsonUrl = self.validDBQueries["get_corpus_" + fieldname].url + "?group=true&limit=100";
      this.fetchCollection("frequentDatum" + fieldname, 0, 0, 100, true).then(function(frequentValues) {
         * TODO Hide optionally specified values
        self["frequentDatum" + fieldname] = frequentValues;
      }, function(response) {
        self.debug("resolving defaults for frequentDatum" + fieldname, response);

      return deferred.promise;
   * This function takes in a dbname, which could be different
   * from the current corpus incase there is a master corpus wiht
   * more representative datum
   * example :
   * It takes the values stored in the corpus, if set, otherwise it will take the values from this corpus since the window was last refreshed
   * If a url is passed, it contacts the server for fresh info.
   * @param dbname
   * @param callback
  getFrequentDatumTags: {
    value: function() {
      return this.getFrequentValues("tags", ["Passive", "WH", "Indefinte", "Generic", "Agent-y", "Causative", "Pro-drop", "Ambigous"]);
  changeCorpusPublicPrivate: {
    value: function() {
      //      alert("TODO contact server to change the public private of the corpus");
      throw new Error(" I dont know how change this corpus' public/private setting ");

  toJSON: {
    value: function(includeEvenEmptyAttributes, removeEmptyAttributes) {
      this.debug("Customizing toJSON ", includeEvenEmptyAttributes, removeEmptyAttributes);
      var attributesNotToJsonify = ["gravatar", "OLAC_export_connections", "url"];
      var json = FieldDBObject.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, [includeEvenEmptyAttributes, removeEmptyAttributes, attributesNotToJsonify]);

      if (!json) {
        this.warn("Not returning json right now.");
      if ( && typeof === "function") { =;
      if (this.confidential && typeof this.confidential.toJSON === "function") {
        json.confidential = this.confidential.toJSON();
      if (this.activityConnection && typeof this.activityConnection.toJSON === "function") {
        json.activityConnection = this.activityConnection.toJSON();

      return json;


exports.Corpus = Corpus;
exports.FieldDatabase = Corpus;