
/* globals window */
// var node_cryptojs = require("node-cryptojs-aes");
// var CryptoJS = node_cryptojs.CryptoJS;

//>> Error: Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '$HOME/dative/.tmp/scripts/core.js'
// var forcingCoreToLoadForRequireJS = require("node-cryptojs-aes/lib/core");

// var CryptoEncoding =  {};// require("crypto-js/enc-utf8");
var FieldDBObject = require("./../FieldDBObject").FieldDBObject;
var CryptoJS = require("./Crypto_AES").CryptoJS;
var CryptoEncoding = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8;

var ATOB;
var BTOA;
try {
  if (!window.atob) {
    console.log("ATOB is not defined, loading from npm");
  ATOB = window.atob;
  BTOA = window.btoa;
} catch (e) {
  ATOB = require("atob");
  BTOA = require("btoa");

 * @class Confidential
 * @name Confidential
 * @description makes it possible to generate pass phrases (one per
 *        corpus) to encrypt and decrypt confidential data points. The
 *        confidential data is stored encrypted, and can only be decrypted
 *        if one has the corpus" secret key, or if one is logged into the
 *        system with their user name and password. This allows the corpus
 *        to be shared with anyone, with out worrying about confidential
 *        data or consultant stories being publically accessible. We are
 *        using the AES cipher algorithm.
 * The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a U.S. Federal Information
 * Processing Standard (FIPS). It was selected after a 5-year process where
 * 15 competing designs were evaluated.
 * <a href="">More information on
 * CryptoJS</a>
 * @extends Object
 * @constructs
var Confidential = function Confidential(options) {
  if (!this._fieldDBtype) {
    this._fieldDBtype = "Confidential";
  this.debug("Constructing Confidential: ", options);
  if (options && options.filledWithDefaults) {
    delete options.filledWithDefaults;
  FieldDBObject.apply(this, arguments);

 * The secretkeygenerator uses a "GUID" like generation to create a string
 * for the secret key.
 * @returns {String} a string which is likely unique, in the format of a
 *          Globally Unique ID (GUID)
Confidential.secretKeyGenerator = FieldDBObject.uuidGenerator;

Confidential.prototype = Object.create(FieldDBObject.prototype, /** @lends Confidential.prototype */ {
  constructor: {
    value: Confidential

   * Encrypt accepts a string (UTF8) and returns a CryptoJS object, in base64
   * encoding so that it looks like a string, and can be saved as a string in
   * the corpus.
   * @param message
   *          A UTF8 string
   * @returns Returns a base64 string prefixed with "confidential" so that the
   *          views can choose to not display the entire string for the user.
  encrypt: {
    value: function(value) {
      if (!value) {
        return value;
      if (typeof value === "object") {
        value = JSON.stringify(value);
        this.debug("Converted object to string before encryption");
      if (typeof value === "number") {
        value = value + "";
        this.debug("Converted object to string before encryption");
      if (!this.secretkey) {
        throw new Error("This confidential wasnt set up properly, cant encrypt.");
      // this.debugMode = true;
      this.debug("encrypting " + value);
      var result = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(value, this.secretkey.toString("base64"));
      this.verbose(this.secretkey, result.toString(), BTOA(result.toString()));
      // return the base64 version to save it as a string in the corpus
      return "confidential:" + BTOA(result.toString());

   * Decrypt uses this object's secret key to decode its parameter using the
   * AES algorithm.
   * @param encrypted
   *          A base64 string prefixed (or not) with the word "confidential"
   * @returns Returns the encrypted result as a UTF8 string.
  decrypt: {
    value: function(encrypted) {
      var result = encrypted;

      encrypted = encrypted.replace("confidential:", "");
      // decode base64
      encrypted = ATOB(encrypted);
      this.verbose("Decrypting " + encrypted, this.secretkey.toString("base64"));
      result = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encrypted, this.secretkey.toString("base64")).toString(CryptoEncoding);
      try {
        if ((result[0] === "{" && result[result.length - 1] === "}") || (result[0] === "[" && result[result.length - 1] === "]")) {
          result = JSON.parse(result);
          this.debug("Decrypting an object");
      } catch (e) {
        this.verbose("Decrypting a non-object");
      return result;

  secretkey: {
    get: function() {
      if (!this._secretkey) {
        this._secretkey = "";
      return this._secretkey;
    set: function(value) {
      if (value === this._secretkey) {
      if (this._secretkey && this._secretkey.length > 2) {
        throw new Error("Confidential key cant be changed once it was created. Please create another Confidential encrypter if you wish to change the key.");
      if (!value) {
        value = "";
      this._secretkey = value.trim();

  fillWithDefaults: {
    value: function() {
      if (!this.secretkey) {
        this.secretkey = Confidential.secretKeyGenerator();
      return this;


exports.Confidential = Confidential;